He said more than two lakh acres have been sown using DSR technology, which is 1.72 lakh acres more than last year.

The minister said the government is providing financial assistance of Rs 1,500 to farmers to encourage them to adopt DSR technology.

The Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has allocated Rs 50 crore during 2024-25 to provide financial assistance to farmers opting for this technology. The government had provided Rs 20.33 crore as financial assistance to 17,116 farmers for adopting DSR in 2023-24.

Khudian urged farmers to join hands with the government to save groundwater by opting for DSR. He said farmers who have opted for DSR will have to register on the government portal - agrimachinerypb.com - by July 15 to avail financial assistance. He said that DSR technology not only helps in saving water but also reduces labor costs and gives higher yields.