Hyderabad (Telangana) [India], Union Minister G Kishan Reddy on Saturday said that Revanth Reddy is asking for proof of surgical strikes and the public will give proof on June 4 Lok Sabha election result day, Reddy condemned Revanth Reddy for asking for proof . Regarding surgical strikes, citing previous instances where Congress leaders including Rahul Gandhi had made similar requests, "A very wrong statement has been made by Revanth Reddy. He is asking for proof of surgical strikes. He Have done this before too. Everyone including Congress leader Rahul Gandhi asked for proof, the sacrifice and dedication of our armed forces, the integrity of our country and the security measures are clear, the public will give them proof on June 4," Raid told ANI meanwhile. , BJP leader Prakash Reddy said that the Telangana Chief Minister's comments were against the "national interest".These are irresponsible statements and against the national interest. Woe statements on IB and R&AW and any other intelligence agency demoralize them. When you are talking about surgical strikes or Pulwama incidents, IB or R&A alone are not responsible. Even though those agencies are working proactively, sometimes this still happens…it is unfortunate. This is an irresponsible statement which discourages intelligence activities.Congress party has changed its colors from time to time for votes and people are well aware of your political ambitions. Telangana CM said, “For Modi everything is political, everything is about winning elections. His way of thinking is not good for the country. Now the time has come that the country should get rid of Modi and BJP. Say anything and they will respond with 'Jai Shri Ram' (Glory to Lord Ram).They failed to stop the Pulwama attack. What was IB doing? What was your intelligence network doing? Claiming that PM Modi tried to take political and electoral benefits from the Pulwama attack and the Indian Air Force (IAF)'s retaliatory action, Raid said, "Modi-ji tried to take political and electoral benefits from the air strikes after the Pulwama incident. I want to ask him: What did you do to promote the internal security of the country? Why did you not take the help of agencies like IB and RAW? No one knows for sure whether the air attack took place or not. If it was our responsibility to ensure the internal security of the country, we would not have left it in anyone's hands.The attack took place in Pulwana on February 14, 2019, when a suicide bomber rammed an IED-laden vehicle into a CRPF bus.

In a retaliatory strike on February 26, 2019, Indian Air Force fighter jets targeted an advanced terrorist training camp of Jaish-e-Mohammed in Balakot.