Noida, Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority (UP RERA) has asked all industrial and housing development authorities to properly identify the parties of the projects before issuing partial completion certificates or occupancy certificates.

The state real estate regulator said the names of towers, blocks or completed units mentioned in part CC (completion certificates) or part OC (occupancy certificates) issued by some of the planning authorities do not match the details provided by the promoter to UP RERA at the time of project registration.

"Such Part CC or OC creates doubt in the mind of the homebuyer about the completion status of his unit or tower at the time of execution of conveyance deed and handover of possession of the unit," UP RERA said.

In an official statement, UP RERA has directed the competent authorities to provide specific details about the towers or blocks while issuing Part CC or Part OC.

These details should match the names provided at the time of RERA registration or in the sale agreement between the developer and the homebuyer, it said.

UP RERA also emphasized that issuance of temporary CCs or OCs is not permissible under current laws and could adversely affect homebuyers.

"In addition to being contrary to law, such temporary CC or OC can also be seriously detrimental to homebuyers who take possession on the basis of such temporary OC or CC and subsequently, for some reason or other, said temporary OC or CC are not confirmed by the relevant planning authority," the regulator said.

To avoid discrepancies between the names of the projects and their blocks or towers, UP RERA has advised the planning authorities to obtain the trade names of the projects, along with the number of units, from the promoters during the application for map sanction .

This measure aims to ensure clarity on the completion status of projects.

"UP RERA is continuously striving towards standardization in the sector with a view to not only protect the interests of homebuyers but also minimize litigation between different stakeholders," said Sanjay Bhoosreddy, Chairman, UP RERA.