Sarma said the Permanent Resident Certificate (PRC) cannot protect the rights of local people, as a PRC can be obtained if a person has lived in Assam for three years.

The Chief Minister's comments came in response to the Higher Education Department's notification regarding relaxation of PRC for appointment of Assistant Professors, Librarians, Grade III and Grade IV staff in colleges.

He said that the state government has made qualification in the local language mandatory for selection, which according to him will protect the rights and interests of the local people.

“The notice related to Permanent Residential Certificate (PRC) was issued by the Director of Higher Education without the approval of the government,” Assam Education Minister Ranoj Pegu said in the news. DHE has been directed to withdraw the notice immediately.

Sarma said in the letter, “Further find out with what authority the Director of Higher Education issued this circular. “Such a circular could have been issued only by the government and not by the directorate.”

The circular issued by the DHE was criticized from several quarters and the All Assam Students Union (AASU) condemned the move and asked the government to be "more responsible towards the local people".

AASU also demanded that the circular be repealed with immediate effect.

The Assam Higher Education Department, in a circular to principals of various colleges on July 4, said the PRC is not mandatory for appointment of assistant professors, librarians, Grade III and Grade IV staff in colleges.