But quantum physics is a loop, it continues to baffle even the most experienced but today another scientist has tried to demystify it in a recently published article.

Professor Carl Kocher, through his own life story, tries to understand this issue, challenging the way in which issues or topics like these are approached.

The article titled 'Quantum Entanglement of Optical Photons: The First Experiment, 1964-67' published in the journal Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology delves into unexplored scientific territory.

This article distinguishes itself from traditional scientific writing by offering a first-person narrative that details not only the strategic challenges faced during the experiment but also an interpretation of the results and their broader meaning.

The experiment aimed to explore the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, specifically through the behavior of optical photons, a topic that has intrigued physicists since the mid-20th century. The author, through the story of his life, tries to simplify things for the lay reader, the theme being the paradox of the EPR.

Both the gyroscope and quantum theory clarify paradoxical behavior, but the EPR paradox, introduced by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen in 1935, remains a central mystery in quantum physics. The gyroscope defied gravity, while quantum theory explained atoms and molecules. The EPR paradox remains a central mystery in quantum physics.

A gyroscope acquired at the age of eight by the author became a source of fascination for its ability to defy gravity by rotating in a horizontal plane, a behavior that, although it may seem paradoxical, is logically explained by Newtonian mechanics.

Similarly, quantum theory, developed in the 1920s, has been successful in explaining atomic and molecular interactions. However, the EPR paradox, introduced in 1935 by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen, highlighted a puzzling aspect of quantum theory: particle entanglement. This phenomenon, in which measurements of one particle appear to influence the state of another, even across great distances, remains a central mystery in quantum physics.

In 1964, an experiment was designed to observe quantum entanglement using visible light photons emitted by excited calcium atoms. The experiment confirmed the predictions of quantum theory with surprising precision, demonstrating the reality of quantum entanglement and challenging classical intuition.

While Newtonian mechanics fully explains the behavior of a gyroscope, quantum entanglement continues to defy classical understanding. The experiment serves as a bridge, broadening the understanding of quantum phenomena and highlighting the "strangely wonderful" nature of the quantum world.

Despite his challenges to classical causality, it remains puzzling to this day what the author considers wonderful; he doesn't say that he has demystified it, but the attempt to do so is still admirable.