Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Priyanka Chopra, who started her acting career with Tamil film Thamizhan, celebrated the 22nd anniversary of its release on Friday. The actor shared an unseen picture on her Instagram Stories on Friday, in which she is seen with Vijay. In the 2002 release throwback image, 'Barfi' actress Vijay is seen on stage with musician D Imman and others. Along with the picture, she captioned it, "22 years of Thamizhan.

Thamizhan was Priyanka Chopra's first acting project after winning the Miss World title in 2000. Subsequently, she made her Bollywood debut in 2003 with Andaz alongside Akshay Kumar and Lara Dutta. Meanwhile, on the work front, Priyanka is prepping for her next Hollywood film. Taking to 'Heads of State' Instagram, Priyanka gave a glimpse of the script. The page had the title of the film and mentioned that Harrison Querrey had written it, it also had Priyanka's name watermarked on it. Sharing the photo, he wrote, "And we are back. She will be seen in 'Heads of State' with John Cena and Idris. Not only this, the actress has lent her voice for Disneynature's upcoming film Tiger. This The film will release on Disney+Hotstar and revolves around understanding the complexities of one of our planet's most favorite creatures. On the Bollywood front, she will be seen in Farhan Akhtar's next directorial 'Jee Le Zara' Will be seen with Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt. However, no update has been given on the film since its announcement a few years ago.