New Delhi [India], The main focus of the US economy has turned to the 2024 presidential election, as central banks are cutting rates and politicians are spending more, creating optimism for the election year.

Economic data is strong in the first quarter but signs of weakness are emerging, according to a report from Saxo, an investment bank, on the quarterly outlook for the US economy for the second quarter of 2024.

"While US economic data has been strong in the first quarter, signs of weakness are emerging, potentially marking a turning point for the US economy," the report said.

A recurring theme in the report is the significant impact of the 2024 US elections on investor sentiment and market behavior. Elections are not only making headlines but also influencing financial strategies and economic forecasts.The report shows that the substantial debt issuance of US$3 trillion by the US government since 2022 has resulted in nominal GDP growth of only US$2.4 trillion. Although this strategy has prevented an official recession, it has not led to sustainable economic growth, raising concerns about the long-term health of the economy.

The report emphasizes the importance of developments in central bank policies, commodity markets and currency dynamics, which are expected to impact investment strategies in the coming months. As central banks consider cutting rates and adjusting their balance sheets, the report urges investors to strategically navigate emerging market conditions.

“The slowdown in economic growth and gradual reduction in inflation will provide central banks with the opportunity to return to their tight monetary policies and implement rate cuts as early as the second quarter of the year, making the case for an extension in portfolio duration.” Will be ready.", "the report said.

The report identifies opportunities in sectors such as energy, healthcare and financials but also warns about risks in the technology and real estate sectors.

According to the report, the convergence of generative AI and novel obesity drugs has sparked significant interest, leading to speculative investments and driving companies like Nvidia and Novo Nordisk to new heights.

Despite this, the report advises investors to remain cautious as inflated equity valuations could result in lower returns going forward.

The election remains a key factor, with central banks ready to cut rates at any sign of weakness and politicians eager to spend, setting the tone for "better than expected" economic data, which Election-year promotes optimism.Despite significant government debt issuance, which has maintained the perception of positive economic data, the report said the lack of long-term economic expansion remains a concern.

The report also highlights the need to take prudent decisions to effectively deal with the complexities of the market environment by Q2 2024.