In Tel Aviv [Israel], President Isaac Herzog spoke Wednesday night about Israel's "unique alliance with the United States and also praised President Joe Biden for his help after the October 7 massacre, while addressing the annual American Independence Day reception held for the first time at the Ambassador's Residence in Jerusalem.

"Our unique alliance is based not only on the values ​​we share, but on our willingness to defend those values. Since October 7, Israel has been at the forefront of a global battle against terrorism and extremism," said the President . «Against those who act in the name of the oppressive regime of the [Iranian] Ayatollah. And against those who seek to impose their dark vision of a future based on radical hatred and oppression. Time and time again, the United States has demonstrated, in word and deed, and in a completely bipartisan manner, that it is Israel's greatest ally and that we are together in the long and difficult fight to defend our values, our lives and our own way of life. life.

"Like any family, we don't always agree on everything," he added. "And that's fine. Disagreements do not call into question the broad basis of friendship and alliance that keeps us connected to our shared history and advances the vital interests of our two nations. On behalf of the State and people of Israel, I want to express "My deepest gratitude to President Biden, the US government, Congress, and the American people for the support and solidarity that has always been an anchor of our security, and that has been evident in countless ways since October 7."

Herzog praised President Biden, saying: "From the first moments, President Biden's stance has been unequivocal. He stepped forward and demonstrated with one powerful word that, in the face of the darkest expressions of human cruelty, the United States of America stood There he declared with crystal clarity: Israel would not be alone against its enemies and deeply comforted a grieving nation.

"When Iran dropped more than 300 missiles and drones directly on Israel's civilian population, it was the American military that joined the IDF, leading an international coalition that thwarted the pernicious attack with spectacular success. Reminding the world of the power of unite to defend the principles people."