Researchers from the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) at the West German Tumor Center in Essen have made a new discovery that could revolutionize the treatment of glioblastomas.

In the bone marrow near these tumors, they found clusters of powerful immune cells that play a crucial role in defending the body against cancer.

Glioblastomas have a poor prognosis, with an average life expectancy of less than two years once all therapeutic options are exhausted. However, the new findings reveal that the body's immune system mounts a localized defense against these tumors. This discovery challenges the conventional understanding of the immune system as a holistic entity that sends immune cells throughout the body as needed.

Bjorn Scheffler, a researcher at the DKTK in Essen, called the discovery "surprising and fundamentally new." The researchers identified highly effective immune cells, including mature cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CD8 cells), in bone marrow niches close to the tumor. These cells are vital for recognizing and destroying malignant cells, suggesting a localized immune response to glioblastoma.

This research used human tissue samples from untreated glioblastoma patients, establishing new methods for examining bone marrow near tumors. The presence of CD8 cells in the bone marrow and its correlation with disease progression suggests that these immune cells are actively fighting the tumor.

The discovery has important implications for current treatment strategies. Ulrich Sure, head of the Department of Neurosurgery and a member of the Essen research team, expressed concern that surgical procedures could inadvertently destroy these valuable immune cells. The team is exploring ways to minimize damage to local bone marrow during surgery.

The findings also reignite interest in immunotherapies such as checkpoint inhibitors, which aim to improve the body's natural defenses against cancer. Previous trials showed limited efficacy against glioblastomas, but new data suggest that targeting immune cells located in the bone marrow could improve outcomes.

This discovery opens the door to innovative therapies that could bring new hope to those fighting glioblastomas.