The study is based on the latest data from the India Human Development Survey (IHDS).

NCAER economists, led by Sonalde Desai, have estimated a decline in poverty rates in rural areas over the past 10 years from 24.8 percent in 2011-2012 to 8.6 percent today.

In urban areas, the poverty level has decreased from 13.4 percent to 8.4 percent. The decline in poverty in rural areas has been more pronounced than in urban areas.

The document points out that there has been a significant increase in food subsidy through the public distribution system and other benefits administered through multiple schemes launched by the Center as well as states, which have benefited the poor.

This steeper decline in poverty in rural areas was also reflected in a recent report by SBI Research based on the NSSO Consumer Expenditure Survey.

According to the SBI report, poverty has seen a significant decline of 4.4 percent since 2018-19 and urban poverty a decline of 1.7 percent after the pandemic, showing that government initiatives to promote well-being of the bottom of the pyramid are having a significant beneficial impact. impact on rural livelihoods, the report states.

Along with the marked decline in poverty in India, there has also been a marked reduction in the rural-urban income gap in the country, the report said.

According to a recent discussion paper by NITI Ayog, India has recorded a significant decline in multidimensional poverty from 29.17 per cent in 2013-14 to 11.28 per cent in 2022-23, representing a reduction of 17, 89 percentage points.

Major initiatives covering all dimensions of poverty have led to 24.82 million people escaping multidimensional poverty in the last nine years, according to the NITI Ayog document.

Uttar Pradesh recorded the highest decline in the number of poor, with 5.94 million people escaping multidimensional poverty during the last nine years, followed by Bihar with 3.77 million, Madhya Pradesh with 2.30 million. rupees and Rajasthan with 1.87 crore, he added.