Jaipur: Posters appeared in an area of ​​Jaipur on Wednesday saying houses should not be sold to "non-Hindus".

In this poster put up in Shivaji Nagar of Bhatta Basti area, 'Sanatani' people have also been appealed to stop the 'migration' of Hindus.

Some locals told a TV channel that they had voluntarily pasted posters on their houses to appeal to the people of their area not to sell their houses to non-Hindus.

When contacted, Bhatta Basti police station area SHO Kailash confirmed the development. He said that people have pasted the posters on their homes and till now no complaint has been made from them in this regard.

Posters in the name of 'Sarva Hindu Samaj' read in Hindi, "Appeal to Sanatani people, stop migration. All Sanatan brothers and sisters are requested not to sell their houses to non-Hindus." All Sanatani brothers and sisters are requested not to sell their houses to non-Hindus."

Local residents allege that some people buying houses in the area are creating problems for others.

“Because of this situation, we decided to stick posters outside our houses, appealing to people not to sell their houses to non-Hindus. Property brokers often come to us, asking if we can sell our houses. Are interested in.

"Many houses have been sold to outsiders and the environment of our area has deteriorated," a local resident told the TV channel.

The station in-charge said that the police has not received any complaint regarding the matter.

"Selling and buying property is an individual matter. No such case has come to light in which there has been any dispute," the SHO said.