WARSAW [Poland], Poland is gearing up for a crucial moment as local elections loom large, serving as a litmus test for Prime Minister Donald Tusk's coalition government, which took power nearly four months ago, al Polish voters will cast their ballots on Sunday, Jazeera reported. , determining the mayoralty, city council members and provincial assembly representatives. With about 190,000 candidates competing for various local government roles in the Central European nation of 38 million inhabitants, Tusk's ascension to the prime ministership in December signals a significant change for the EU's largest eastern member state. . His leadership ended an era defined by eight years of nationalist rule, which often led to friction with Western allies. Tusk's government has clearly steered Poland toward a pro-European trajectory, Al Jazeer reports.
The Tusk-led coalition won a parliamentary majority in October elections, promising to reverse judicial reforms implemented by the previous administration.These reforms were criticized for compromising the independence of the judiciary while advancing the rights of marginalized groups such as women and minorities. Tusk underlined the importance of victory for his liberal Civic Coalition (KO), a key component of the ruling coalition. He warned against a resurgence of nationalist sentiments under the Law and Justice Party (PiS), stressing the upcoming elections. Speaking at a rally in Warsaw, Tusk made clear the seriousness of the moment, saying, "Our dream – a What was once a beautiful dream, and today a better reality – can end overnight.” He highlighted the imperatives of preserving freedom, democracy and human rights. In contrast, PiS, led by Jarosław Kaczynski, vehemently denied accusations of undermining democratic values ​​and human rights. Kaczynski sees the local elections as an opportunity to challenge the credibility and efficacy of the current government. Kaczynski rallied supporters, saying, "We have a chance... to show a yellow card to the authorities who are ruling Warsaw today. The results of Sunday's elections have significance beyond Poland's borders, with implications for the European Parliament elections in June, Tusk's administration said in a statement. Has attempted to thaw EU funds and implement judiciary and media reforms, although it faces scrutiny over its pace.Al Jazeera reported that the implementation and legality of some measures.