Kotli [POJK], Joint Awami Action Committee (JAAC) organized a protest in Kotli area of ​​Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (POJK), demanding the authorities to release prisoners detained during the four-day Muzaffarabad protest. There was a demand for immediate release. Held last month.

The protesters also stressed that it is time for the PoJK local administration to fulfill the promises that brought them to power after the recent general elections.

However, the current neglect of the PoJK administration has triggered a wave of domestic and international protests and demonstrations organized by representatives of JAAC and United Kashmir People's National Party (UKPNP).

Salma Hameed, leader of the Bagh branch of JAAC and UKPNP, said at the rally, “In the history of PoJK, there have been many incidents that show that the government never listened to the demands of the common people.But now, after a lot of effort, people are aware and awake and are actively demanding their rights from the administration, these administrators, who rose to the top of power with our valuable votes and help, used to cause a lot of harm to us. , While they enjoyed luxuries the people of PoJK were pushed into poverty and underdevelopment and the situation became worse year after year."

"However, now that we are united, we cannot be threatened by violent reactions and will resist to get what is ours," Hameed said.

“The administration has threatened us and taken over our resources for its own benefit, but no more,” the leader said.

Earlier, Pallandri area of ​​PoJK had witnessed significant protests organized by JAAC activists.

The aim of the demonstration was to express protest against the alleged torture, excessive use of force and arrest of Kashmiri activists.The protesters strongly demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all detained persons.

Recently, PoJK has witnessed an increase in the detention of Kashmiri activists, leading to widespread concern and demands for their release.

These arrests have provoked a strong reaction from the local public and attracted the attention of human rights organizations.

The motives behind these detentions vary, ranging from political dissent to advocating for the rights of Kashmiris. Such actions highlight broader issues related to freedom of expression and civil liberties in the region.The protests organized by JAAC served as an important expression of dissent and activism against perceived injustices in PoJK.

JAAC, a political organization that advocates for various rights and issues, has effectively organized residents to express their grievances through demonstrations and rallies.

However, the detention of Kashmiri activists is just one aspect of a larger pattern of human rights abuses in the region.

Additionally, activists, journalists, and political opponents critical of the government have reportedly faced harassment, intimidation, and arbitrary arrests.

There have also been allegations of censorship and media restrictions in PoJK, further raising concerns about the state of civil liberties in the region.