London [UK], Sardar Nasir Aziz Khan, an activist from Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK), highlighted the major security lapses behind the recent Rawalakot prison escape incident in which 20 criminals escaped.

Khan, in his statement, noted that this could be an inside job and not a mere strategy orchestrated by the prisoners.

In his statement, he mentioned that Rawalakot prison has been in dire condition for a long time and projects to replace it were suspended by the Pakistani administration.

Furthermore, this is not the first prison break that has occurred in the same area.

In an interview with London author Shabir Choudhry, the Khanthe PoJK activist stated that "Rawalakot prison cannot be called a normal prison, it is rather a weak structure of 5 to 7 rooms and nothing more. It is nothing more than a" Old building and it had suffered a lot of damage during the floods of 2005. In 2007, the same Rawalakot prison witnessed a jailbreak from which prisoners were able to escape by simply destroying a single wall."

Khan further said, "The Pakistani authorities had promised to build another prison to replace this one and the land had also been allotted for the project, and the project had also started but it was stopped suddenly."

Pointing out a probable inside job regarding the prison break, Khan said that this prison was only supposed to receive prisoners under judicial custody and not serious criminals, due to its condition and capacity.

"In addition, the day of the escape was a holiday, so there were fewer defense personnel present. So all the prisoners were not in their barracks but on the terrace, and then supplies such as Lassi and red chili were allegedly made available to them powder that was used to escape from prison. How could all this happen at the same time?" he said.

However, he also stated: "During all this, the fugitives allegedly killed a young man who was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time or who did not want to escape with these criminals. However, there is no clear investigation report available that link both incidents. There is a video in which that child is seen sitting on the stairs in an injured state, but no one took him to the hospital."

Furthermore, he said that he personally knows the area from his days in PoJK, as it is close to his hometown.

"A person can reach the nearest hospital on foot in 10 minutes, but I don't know how this child was not taken to the hospital to save his life," he said.

When asked who could have been the culprit behind the young man's death at the hands of Shabir Choudhry, Khan claimed that only the police could tell the truth about this incident.