Pakistan-occupied Gilgit Baltistan Opposition leaders in Gilgit city of Pakistan-occupied Gilgit Baltistan (POGB) held a press conference this week and criticized the wrongdoings of the ruling party and leasing out of guest houses and forest land to private entities. Expressed his concern over the matter. POGB, a local news outlet, reported.

Raja Zakaria Makpoon raised the issue of leasing of government forest land and rest houses in POGB, saying that "National parks and wildlife fall under the jurisdiction of local administration and there is no interference of Pakistani administration. I myself have profited from PKR. Have earned." Rs 30 to 40 crores have been received from this department and distributed among the people, hence, wildlife and forests are a profitable opportunity, however, the ruling party has not assured us that leasing out these lands will be profitable .,

Makpoon further said that "the administration should get rid of its questionable policies. Like the budgetary session, neither the Governor nor the CM is attending these sessions, and if members of your government are not available in the meetings then it is " It would be better if you do not implement any such deal on PoGB”.

Javed Ali Manwa, another opposition leader from POGB, said during the conference that "the assembly is not just the ruling government, it combines both the opposition and the ruling party. The ruling party had called the pre-budget session which usually takes four days. .But this time they did not complete the agenda before closing the session indefinitely, this is not the way and the government cannot rule as per its wish, for this they have rules and regulations and they do not listen to the voice of the opposition and the public. Are not ready. And many important topics are still neglected".

Raising the issue of leasing out land to a green tourism company, the same opposition leader said, "This is one of the major issues in POGB, there are some sensitive issues in the last 10 years. Be it wheat and flour issue." The government has to take the opposition and the public into confidence before taking any decision on the land issue, but despite all our efforts, they have not discussed the matter properly in the POGB Assembly.

According to local POGB news report, the opposition has demanded a strict investigation into the matter.

He further said, “They have been avoiding questions. At least for the last 10 days they were proud of the lease decision.But now they are completely withdrawing their statements. They don't even have conceptual clarity on their decision. One representative of the government called it a 'joint venture', another spokesperson called it a 'Special Investment Facility Council (SIFC) agenda-based project', another spokesperson called it a ' 'Government to Government (G2G) Agreement' and when. We look at the actual papers, they state that the business entity is a private 'Green Tourism Company', but the way they have assessed the cost of these guest houses. From how they have calculated the cost of these lands and the way they have formed it.This contract is questionable at some point, it would have been better if it was done on the basis of laws."