PM Modi wrote a separate letter to Union Home Minister Amit Shah, praising his leadership and contribution in the successful implementation of key policy measures.

By praising Amit Shah's involvement in the abrogation of Article 370 and passage of the CAA, PM Modi clearly tried to underline the BJP's commitment to its nationalist agenda.

PM Modi's interaction with BJP candidates and Amit Shah on Tuesday provided party workers with key talking points on the achievements of the BJP-led government, especially important policy decisions like the abrogation of Article 370 and the passage of the Citizenship Amendment Act. Have done. (CAA).These achievements have been portrayed as symbols of the BJP's commitment to national security, unity and inclusive governance.The reference to Article 370 can also be interpreted as symbolic, suggesting that the BJP aims to secure '370' parliamentary seats in the Lok Sabha elections. This could serve as a strategic messaging strategy to grab public attention and create buzz about the BJP's election campaign.

The contentious issue of Article 370 may be linked to the BJP's aim of winning as many Lok Sabha seats as possible. The letter also directed party workers to create awareness among voters about the 'intentions' of the opposition, especially the Congress.

PM Modi accused the Congress of trying to "snatch hard-earned property" and "snatch reservation" from marginalized communities for its vote bank.This narrative aims to portray the opposition as a divisive force focused on appeasement rather than national interests.

By urging candidates and party workers to highlight what he thinks is the Congress's "politics of division and appeasement", PM Modi probably aims to make the opposition party divisive by focusing on appeasing certain groups. Support for BJP has to be strengthened. Instead of giving priority to national interests. The letter also focuses on portraying Congress as a threat to the economic well-being and social rights of the people. The language used in the letter alleging that the Congress is bent on "snatching away hard-earned property" and "snatching away reservations" from marginalized communities is designed to establish a strong narrative that is detrimental to the society. Affects the ground level.By presenting the Congress as a force that "prioritises its electoral interest over the welfare of the people", PM Modi wants to strengthen support for the BJP by presenting it as a protector of economic prosperity and social justice.

The mention of reservation policies further adds to this narrative, highlighting the existing concerns and insecurities among certain sections of the society. Matters like abrogation of Article 370, implementation of CAA etc. mentioned in PM Modi's letter to Amit Shah They have been portrayed as decisive steps towards safeguarding national security and protecting oppressed minorities.

PM Modi's letter to the Home Minister strengthens the BJP's narrative on the issue related to national security, territorial integrity and protection of oppressed minorities. It also attempts to present the BJP as a decisively proactive government committed to upholding the interests of the nation.Additionally, by involving himself in direct dialogue with the candidates, PM Modi is leveraging his personal popularity and influence within the party to underline the importance of this messaging strategy. It is also believed that this approach will not only Strengthens the party line, but also emphasizes the central role of PM Modi in the BJP's election strategy.

Moreover, the timing of the letters ahead of the third phase of elections on May 7 suggests that the BJP sees this as a turning point in the campaign where it needs to strengthen its message and energize its base to secure electoral gains. need to.

As mentioned in the letters, with a strong narrative on developmental and nationalist issues, PM Modi aims to maintain the momentum and sway undecided voters to the BJP's side. PM Modi's letters also aim to control the ideological situation. And underlines the party's focus on leveraging his personal appeal to shape the electoral discourse in BJP's favour.Analysts believe that "this strategy aims to capitalize on nationalist sentiments and garner support by portraying the BJP as the guardian of India's unity and national interest".

In other words, PM Modi has tried to portray the Congress as a party that caters to specific groups at the cost of national unity, thus positioning the BJP as the party of the entire country.