Haridwar (Uttarakhand) [India], Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dham on Sunday praised the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said he has worked for the upliftment of the poor. Taking aim at the Congress, he said, "The governments that ruled the country after independence...they only gave the slogan of eradicating poverty but did not eradicate poverty. PM Modi worked for the upliftment of the poor...Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said that Congress is scattered all over the country today. While addressing a public meeting in Jwalapur on Sunday, CM Dhami also took a dig at the Congress party and said that the party which ruled the country for 60 years is now on the verge of collapse and It is struggling to find candidates to contest the elections. The party, which has ruled the country for 60 years, is now on the verge of collapse...Today they are not finding candidates to contest the elections," he said. Said. Earlier, addressing a gathering at Himgiri Stadium in Mukteshwar, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Dhami highlighted the achievements of the BJ government in Uttarakhand, including implementing the Uniform Civil Code in the state. "We have asked the people to implement the Uniform Civil Code. The demand for a uniform code has been continuously raised in the country. The credit for passing the UC bill goes to the citizens of Uttarakhand. Criticizing the Congress party for 'appeasement politics' in the country, he said, "Our government talks about implementing One India, Best India and Equal Civil System. Still working.''Abrogation of the Code and Section 370, whereas Congress in its manifesto has talked about maintaining Muslim personal law. This reflects the appeasement vote bank thinking of Congress. The imprint of the ideology of Muslim League is visible in the manifesto of Congress. Their manifesto appears to be the manifesto of the Muslim League.'' Notably, out of the 543 Lok Sabha seats, Uttarakhand contributes five seats. In the 543-member Lok Sabha, the BJP has fielded Mala Rajya Lakshmi Shah, Anil Baluni, Ajay Tamta, Ajay Bhatt and others.Trivendra Singh Rawat from the state Uttarakhand Voting will be held in a single phase on April 19.