New Delhi [India], Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday paid tribute to freedom fighter Veer Savarkar on his birth anniversary, appreciating his service to the motherland. "Tributes to the great freedom fighter Veer Savarkar ji on his birth anniversary, who dedicated his life to it." Service to the Motherland,” the Prime Minister said in a post. Union Home Minister Amit Shah also praised Veer Savarkar, acknowledging his unwavering dedication towards the nation, “Veer Savarkar ji instilled patriotism among crores of people with his powerful thoughts. lit the flame of. The youth strengthened the feeling of one nation, one culture. He imbibed the mantra of nationalism and strongly opposed the policies of appeasement.Even the innumerable tortures of the British could not shake his resolve of devotion to the motherland. At the moment of his life for the nation, he started a public awareness campaign against the evils like untouchability, a true patriot and a great visionary. Tribute to Swatantra V Savarkar ji on his birth anniversary,” Shah wrote in a post on ex Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, who is popular. As Veer Savarkar, was born on 28 May 1883 in Nashik. Savarkar was a freedom fighter, politician, lawyer and writer and was popular for coining the term 'Hindutva'. Savarkar was also a leading figure in the 'Hindu Mahasabha'. Savarkar started participating in the freedom movement while still a high school student and continued to do so while studying at Fergusson College, Pune.He was greatly influenced by the radical nationalist leader Lokmanya Tilak. While studying law in the United Kingdom, H became active with groups such as India House and the Free India Society. He also published books that promoted revolutionary methods to achieve complete Indian independence. The British colonial authorities outlawed one of his works, 'The Indian War o' Independence'. , which was about the 'Sepoy Mutiny' of 1857 or the First War of Independence.