New Delhi [India], Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday met Padma Shri awardee Parashura Komaji Khune during his recent visit to Chandrapur in Maharashtra. PM Modi lauded their contribution to tribal upliftment through drama and folk art, saying their efforts have helped in promoting culture and encouraging the society. Awareness A post on PM Modi's official Have to take advantage." The rise of tribal communities has earned them widespread respect. His efforts have helped in promoting culture and encouraging social awareness. Maharashtra's Jadipatti theater artiste Parshuram Komaji Khune is popularly known as 'Vidarbha Dada Kondke' (Vidarbha's Dada Kondke) after the famous Marathi actor and producer. ) He has played more than 800 roles in more than 5,000 plays, 'Singacha Chava' 'Swargavar Swari', 'Lagana Nachi Bedi', 'H Pala', 'Mary's Ghosts', 'Lavan Bhulli Abhangala' are some of his famous and memorable . Khune received the Shettinishtha Award by the Government of Maharashtra in 1991 for his various inventions in the field of agriculture. In 1992 he received the Suni Bhavsar Award for the show Baazigar. In 1993 he was awarded the Kala Gaura Award. In 1994, he was honored by the district administration to attend the All India Nehru Youth Centre, Madras. In 1996, she was awarded the Smita Patil Memorial Award for Manav Mandir Nagpur. In 2012, he was awarded the Kala Daan Award by the Government of Maharashtra for his contribution in the field of dramatic arts.