New Delhi, Union Minister Jitendra Singh on Tuesday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi ended the culture of appeasement that flourished during the opposition-ruled era besides ensuring equitable public service delivery regardless of caste or creed.

Under the leadership of the Prime Minister, the Center ensured that all eligible people get the benefits of various government schemes.

"Prime Minister Modi has ended the culture of appeasement that flourished during the opposition-ruled period. Now the government is working to empower the last man in the last line. When it comes to the distribution of benefits of government schemes, no one There is no discrimination." For eligible beneficiaries, there is equitable public service delivery for all,” Singh said.

He said that all people irrespective of caste, creed or religion are now getting government benefits on time.

Union Minister of State for Personnel Singh said, "Minorities and people living in states ruled by opposition parties are getting the benefits of various schemes of the Central Government."

He said the Modi government never believed in votebank politics and through its pioneering measures ensured that everyone prospered.

"Prime Minister Modi has introduced a new work culture in India, in which every pro-poor and public welfare scheme is designed in such a way to reach the most needy or the last person on the last line," the minister said.

Singh said citizen-centric schemes like PM Awas Yojana and Ujjwal Yojana reached every household that lacked these facilities and officials never asked what religion or caste the family belonged to, or which political party they belonged to. Voted for.