In New Delhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday reaffirmed India's commitment to the seven-nation BIMSTEC group and highlighted its role as an engine of economic and social growth.

Foreign Ministers of BIMSTEC Member States made a joint appeal to Modi on the second and final day of his retreat in Delhi.

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) brings together seven countries from South and Southeast Asia for multifaceted cooperation.

Besides India, BIMSTEC comprises Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Nepal and Bhutan.

"I am glad to meet with the Foreign Ministers of BIMSTEC. We discussed ways to strengthen regional cooperation, including connectivity, energy, trade, health, agriculture, science, security and people-to-people exchanges. We convey full support to Thailand for a successful Summit "Modi said. in X.

A PMO readout said Modi reaffirmed India's commitment to a peaceful, prosperous, resilient and secure BIMSTEC region and highlighted its importance to India's 'Neighborhood First and Look East' policies as well as in its vision SAGAR.

"The Prime Minister held fruitful talks with the group of ministers on strengthening regional cooperation in various areas, including connectivity, energy, trade, health, agriculture, science, security and people-to-people exchanges." , said.

"He emphasized the role of BIMSTEC as an engine of economic and social growth," the text states.

He said Modi expressed India's full support to Thailand for the upcoming BIMSTEC Summit to be held in September.

India hosted the BIMSTEC foreign ministers' retreat to review various initiatives to expand cooperation among the group's member countries.

In his inaugural address at the retreat, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar asked the group to infuse new energy, resources and fresh commitment to strengthen cooperation.

India has been making concerted efforts to make BIMSTEC a vibrant forum for regional cooperation as SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) initiatives were not moving forward for various reasons.

India has been cooperating with countries in the Indian Ocean region under the broader policy framework of SAGAR or Security and Growth for All in the Region.