New Delhi [India], A petition has been filed in the Delhi High Court against Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's wife Sunita Kejriwal and others, seeking action for violating the court's video conferencing rules. The petition alleges that Sunita Kejriwal and others have illegally recorded the court proceedings. When Delhi Chief Monster was produced in the trial court on March 28, 2024, a petition filed by a practicing lawyer Vaibhav Singh alleged that Sunit and others not only recorded the proceedings in an unauthorized manner but also Also shared on social. Media The post regarding this audio/video recording was circulated on Gets a glimpse.” To show this country and the general public that the judiciary is working at the behest of the government and under the pressure of the central government,'' the petition said Arvind Kejriwal narrated his story to the special judge with facts which were almost at odds with 9- Was. According to the 9:30 minute long recording which is widely circulated on various social media platforms, "several members of the Aam Aadmi Party, including members of various opposition parties, deliberately made audio and video recordings of the court proceedings and circulated them." on social media platforms with the deliberate intention of defaming and manipulating the proceedings of the court,” the plea said.