New Delhi [India], In an appeal to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government, PK Foundation Chairman Sandeep Bhutoria has called for recognition of art, culture and literature as eligible for funds under the corporate social responsibility (CSR) scheme. Said for.

The Foundation supports art, culture, literature and people associated with it.

The sector covering arts and literature suffers from lack of funds for its support. PK Foundation, on its part, helps artists and writers promote their work.

Over the years, the Foundation has been helping writers and artists spread their work not only in India but also abroad.

Companies in India are expected to set aside a small portion of their funds to be used for Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR.

The rules of Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013 make it mandatory for companies with a certain turnover and profitability to spend 2 percent of the average net profit of the last three years on corporate social responsibility activities.

The government has defined various sectors where these CSR funds can be utilized with proper evidence of such utilization. This scheme has helped in many sectors like education, health with additional support from CSR.

If companies donate small amounts for the development of art, culture and literature, it can go a long way in supporting the art and culture of India.