Located on a hill in Mattannur, away from Kannur city, the airport was frequented by jackals and dogs when it opened for operations in 2018.

With time, the population of jackals and dogs declined, but over the years peacocks came in large numbers.

These birds come under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife Act and should be protected.

It has already become a threat and flights are often hit by these birds. To find a solution to this threat, state forest minister A.K. Saseendran and top forest and airport officials met and decided to look into the matter.

Sources said the second meeting will be held at the airport on Friday and Minister Saseendran has an action plan with them.

Arrangements are being made to set up cages to catch these birds and then take them to the forests where they will be freed.

Kannur Airport began operations in 2018 and is the fourth airport in Kerala.