Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Actor Pavail Gulati, who rose to fame with his performance in the film 'Thappad' alongside Taapsee Pannu, is currently busy shooting for 'Deva', which is helmed by actor Shahi. Kapoor. And now as per the buzz, she is likely to reunite with actor Saiyyam Kher for the second season of filmmaker Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari's 'Faadu'. On his chances of returning to the show, Pavel said, "I am grateful for their love and support. We got it for 'Faadu'. Though I can't confirm anything this time, but I am looking forward to working with Saiyami and Ashwini once." Excited about the possibility of collaborating again.I am sure we can bring the magic of Season 1 to the story and take it forward from where it was previously left off. 'Faadu' marked an important moment in Pavail Gulati's career, for the character of Abhay He received widespread praise. 'Faadu' was released on December 9, 2022. Written by Saumya Joshi, the Hum series is about an individual belonging to progressive India. That's among the options that need verification. He is caught between the web of economic upliftment and true love. While announcing 'Faadu' two years ago, Ashwini had described the project as a piece of her heart "#Faadu is a piece of my heart."To every beautiful human being who has worked passionately on this story. To live and bring each character to life through almost years of creation, preparation, shooting. Post More. There is no greater joy for a storyteller That a symphony of a scene is slowly taking shape with each note, the love and commitment from the crew members from every department, whose eyes show the amount of passion they have for their craft,” he had mentioned adding that Ashwini also The entire crew was thanked and the cast said they got through the unexpected because of their partners in every department. He further added, “Making Faadu for me was like a long bridge, where every nut and bolt is ready to carry the journey forward. When one breaks the others can barely handle it and it cannot be left incomplete ."