Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra, who is receiving praise for her role in 'Amar Singh Chamkila', has posted a special video of herself singing for the first time, the actress took to her Instagram account on Saturday to share a Shared the throwback. CLI from her school days, showing her singing with a group of kids "My real debut," she wrote [https :// Soon after the 'Ishaqzaade' actress shared the video on her Instagram account, fans shouted in the comments section, with one user writing, "You are a natural beauty, loved the glow of peace and innocence on your face. You were so cute at that moment," another user commented. "Such a cute video," wrote a third user. Meanwhile, Kam On the front, Parineeti was last seen in Imtiaz Ali's 'Amar Singh Chamkila'. Directed by Imtiaz Ali, 'Amar Singh Chamkila' presents the untold true story of Punjab's original rockstar, who emerged from the shadows of poverty. And having reached the heights of popularity in the 80s due to the power of his music which angered many people, which led to his murder at the young age of 27, Diljit Dosanjh has played the character of 'Chamkila'. ,' the best-selling artist of his era. Parineet played the character of Amarjot Kaur, wife of Amar Singh Chamkila. 'Amar Singh Chamkila' is streaming on Netflix.