The incident took place in Sanghar district of Sindh province on Friday when a landowner cut off the right leg of a camel for grazing it in his fields. Four other people are accused of working as his associates in the crime.

The brutal attack shocked social media and prompted the local government to take action.

"The culprits are in police custody, have confessed to their crimes and face up to five years in prison," Sanghar police spokesman Muqarrab Khan told dpa.

Khan said the owner of the camel, who is said to be a farmer, was not ready to register the case himself.

The approximately eight-month-old camel is being cared for by an animal welfare organization in the provincial capital Karachi.

Junaid Nazir of the Comprehensive Disaster Response Service (CDRS) animal shelter said a company in Pakistan was tasked with making the artificial legs.
