Islamabad, Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said on Saturday that the fight against terrorism was a collective responsibility of all institutions, as the country battled a resurgent Taliban militancy.

Addressing the National Action Plan (NAP) high committee meeting, he said provinces should also play their role in fighting insurgency in the country.

The higher committee is the highest body that oversees the implementation of measures to eradicate militancy from the country.

“The responsibility to fight terrorism is the collective duty and primary obligation of all state institutions. It's not about you and me, it's about us. We have to trample it together,” Sharif said.

The NAP's 20-point agenda to eliminate terrorism was adopted by the government and endorsed by opposition parties following the Peshawar school attack on December 16, 2014.

The Prime Minister said that Pakistan has been facing terrorism for the last two and a half decades and it has become complicated due to the involvement of crime, drugs, smuggling, extremism and religious terrorism.

The main committee meeting was held at a time when Pakistan was facing a rise in acts of terrorism in recent years. According to an annual security report published by the Center for Security Research and Studies, Pakistan witnessed 1,524 violence-related deaths and 1,463 injuries in 789 terror attacks and counter-terrorism operations in 2023, a six-year high.

The latest wave of terrorism is led by the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Taliban (TTP), which Pakistani officials say has sanctuaries in Afghanistan.

Sharif acknowledged that some provinces had made progress in combating militancy, but “I think we have too easily left this matter in the hands of our armed forces” and both the provinces and the federal government have left it to the military.

"This is a dangerous practice that has become customary in recent years: this is the job of the army and its officers have to do it," he said.

Sharif said the provinces were paying a price, but the general feeling is that the army has to fight terrorism. He said he would not eliminate terrorism from the country.

“We can't even expect strong stability without a complete system or whole-of-government approach. This does not only refer to all agencies and ministries but to the federal and provincial governments and all institutions,” he said.

Sharif asked political and religious leaders to make it clear that this battle was for Pakistan's survival and that "we are not fighting someone else's battle."

The prime minister also said that the rule of law and stability were important for the country's growth and development. "A soft state will never be able to gain the trust of investors," he said, adding that a strong and healthy economy cannot be imagined in an unstable state dominated by terrorism.