Karachi [Pakistan], Several people from the Christian community, as well as many members of civil society, protested against the death sentence imposed on the young Christian Ehsan Shah on charges of blasphemy and called his sentence "misapplication of blasphemy laws "Pakistan-based Dawn reported.

The demonstration in front of the Karachi Press Club included members of the Christian community, Minority Rights March, Aurat March and civil society representatives.

At the rally, people called for the release of Ehsan Shan and called for action against those responsible for burning churches and homes in Jaranwala.

Pakistan's anti-terrorism court sentenced Ehsan Shan to death for allegedly sharing a social media post that allegedly incited riots in Jaranwala last year.

Judge Ziaullah Khan imposed a harsh sentence, including a 22-year prison term and a fine of 1 million Pakistani rupees (PKR), Dawn reported.

The riots began over accusations of desecration of the Koran and caused widespread destruction, including damage to homes and churches belonging to the Christian community.

Initially, the Punjab police had charged approximately 135 people with attacking the minority community, but most of them were later released on bail and only 12 were reportedly still on trial.

This incident came almost a year after a violent mob attack on Christians in Jaranwala, Punjab.

The issue of blasphemy accusations in Pakistan is highly controversial and sensitive, often leading to serious repercussions, including violence and deaths. False accusations of blasphemy are frequently used to settle personal vendettas, attack religious minorities or provoke communal unrest.

These accusations often spark immediate public outrage and mob violence, endangering the lives of those accused and their communities.

According to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), there have been numerous cases of unfounded blasphemy accusations over the years, disproportionately affecting minority groups such as Christians and Ahmadi Muslims.

Several incidents have resulted in deadly violence against people accused of blasphemy or their communities. These incidents include a Christian couple who were lynched and burned alive in Kot Radha Kishan following accusations of blasphemy in 2014.

In 2021, a Sri Lankan national met a similar fate in Sialkot due to accusations of blasphemy. Blasphemy cases in Pakistan often unfold in an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, without adequate legal protection for those accused.

International human rights organizations have repeatedly expressed concern about the misuse of blasphemy laws and lack of due process in Pakistan. Despite international pressure and domestic advocacy, the Pakistani government has been criticized for failing to amend or repeal blasphemy laws.