KABUL [Afghanistan], More than 800 Afghan refugees were deported from Pakistan through Torkham and Spin Boldak crossings, Khaama Press reported on Sunday. A total of 837 Afghan refugees were forced to return to Afghanistan in the last 48 hours, Khaama Press reports. Of these, 90 families, or 468 people, returned after crossing the Torkham crossing, according to the Taliban-led Refugee and Repatriation Ministry, which was confirmed by officials on Saturday. Similarly, 369 people, or 67 families, crossed the Spin Bolda crossing and returned. Withdrawal, Khama Press reported. The situation for Afghan refugees in the country is still dire, yet despite these efforts many struggle with issues including lack of a roof over their heads, limited access to essential services such as health care and education, and the possibility of prejudice and exploitation. Additionally, the Pakistani government's recent initiation of the second phase of deportation of illegal refugees has further exacerbated the plight of Afghan refugees, exacerbating their already precarious situation and raising concerns about their well-being and safety. Are.