RAWALPINDI [Pakistan]: Five Chinese engineers were killed in a suicide attack on a convoy in Bisha tehsil of Shangla in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the Pakistani Army has alleged, adding that the plan to kill Chinese engineers was hatched in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, Dawn reported on Tuesday. Death occurred. 26 March "A tragic incident occurred in Bisham on 2 March where a suicide bomber targeted the car of Chinese engineers working on the Dasu Dam, resulting in the death of five Chinese nationals and one Pakistani national," Pakistan's Inter- said Major-General Ahmed Sharif, Director General (DG) of Services Public Relations (ISPR). "This suicide bombing is also linked to cross-border [into Afghanistan]; this terrorism [act] was planned in Afghanistan. The terrorists and their facilitators were also being controlled from Afghanistan and the suicide bombings were also carried out by Afghan [national] Was," he added. General Sharif said the army strongly condemns “this despicable game of terrorism” and “is taking all necessary action to bring its facilitators to justice,” Dawn reported.The attack took place on March 26 in Bisham town of Shangla district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Five Chinese engineers, including a Pakistani national, were killed The Army spokesperson's press conference took place just two days before May 9 – a day that holds significant significance in the country's political landscape because it was on this day last year that military installations were attacked. was next
Founder Imran Khan's arrest, which formed the basis of a serious state action against him and his party, In a question and answer session, General Sharif was asked about May 9, to which he said: "First of all, May 9 is just It is not a matter of Pak Army but of the entire country, if in any country its army is attacked, symbols of its martyrs are insulted, the house of its founder is set on fire, then between its army and the public And hatred is created among the people behind it and they are not brought to justice, there is a question mark on the justice system of that country. “We believe that if we have to maintain faith in the justice system of Pakistan. The perpetrators of May 9 - both the perpetrators and those who ordered them - will have to be punished and sentenced as per the Constitution and law. There is nothing hidden about May 9, he said. The public, the army and all of us have irrefutable evidence. We all saw this incident unfold, we all saw that everyone was brainwashed against the army, its leadership, institutions of agencies through lies and propaganda.''