VMP New Delhi [India], May 10: Infergi LLC has introduced its prototype device that transmits and stores energy by converting radio frequency (RF) signals into DC electricity. The circuit adds the energy received from the environment to the energy supplied to the transmitter, resulting in an output greater than the input. This over-unity has been tested and documented by the Institute of Technology, Kashmir University. The resulting output can be used in combination with wired and wireless devices, although the INFRGY smart circuit is relatively small, the prototype performs multiple functions at the same time, and can be treated as multiple devices at the same time. Currently the National Institute of Technology Srinagar is testing technology that converts RF signals to DC, with plans to further study the amplification of the output using environmental energy.I plan to start more research in other high technology institutes in India
The device captures energy from electromagnetic signals received from the environment as well as radio frequency signals emitted by the transmitter and converts the captured RF energy into usable DC power. Using a patent pending combination of diodes, capacitors and a rectifying bridge, the INFRG device is able to transfer energy efficiently Co-founder Parvez Rishi believes the future is bright for INFRGY. Because there are no moving parts, and the component parts are relatively cheap, this technology may be accessible to many people. “We think that with the help of our partners, we can accelerate the path to creating a new industry.” H adds: “We would like to thank the Institute of Technology of the University of Kashmir for working with us to test our prototype and the professors at NI Srinagar for their interest in further development.,
The high demand for fossil fuels has led researchers and innovators to explore renewable energy technologies to reduce the impact of air pollution and greenhouse gases on the planet. Parvez Rishi says: “Our goal is to introduce INFRGY technology to the world, which includes both renewable and wireless energy.The potential is unlimited" Website: https://infrgy.tech/ [https://infrgy.tech/