Dubai [UAE], According to the Abu Dhabi Media Office, the Mohammed Bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund (MBZF) has raised over 390 donations worth more than AED 14.3 million to support the conservation of threatened bird species around the world since its inception. More grants have been provided. ADMO) MBZF's commitment to the conservation of bird species is rooted in the UAE leadership's vision to support conservation efforts for the falcon and the Houbara Bustard within the UAE and on the international stage to highlight the important role of bird species in the MBZF ecological balance. Recognizes role. and the overall well-being of the ecosystem. Birds as indicators of environmental health are important pollinators, nutrient recyclers and natural pest controllers that contribute to a sustainable and thriving planet. Nicholas Hurd, Acting Director General, MBZF, said, “Birds are a diverse group o species ( From sparrows to penguins to ostriches and hawks), which play a variety of roles in protecting our ecosystems and the health of our planet, from helping spread seeds in forests to providing cleanup services in all habitats around the world And provide us happiness through their colors Voices "Sadly, many birds are at risk of extinction, especially those that live on islands, or have lost the ability to fly, as well as raptor birds, Like vulture and eagle. We must work together to conserve these amazing creatures by protecting them from the many threats they face.Notable MBZF Bird Conservation Projects The Mohammed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund has supported the Red-fronted Macaw Conservation Project led by Asociación Armonia in Bolivia. With a population of approximately 1,200 individuals, and facing threats from habitat destruction, poaching and illegal trade, the red-fronted macaw is Critically Endangered MBZF supports Association Armonia focused on community involvement and habitat conservation This enables us to protect the macaws in four areas. The Fronted Macaw Community Reserve, a major breeding site, boasts at least 20 breeding pairs annually. Crucially, during the pandemic, MBZ continued funding to support community tourism and habitat restoration, Armonia's innovative approach includes wooden nestboxes, habitat restoration efforts, and an agroforestry system that supports species conservation. Beyond laying out a blueprint for successful conservation with tourism approaches that benefit local communities, the MBZF also celebrates the individuals who dedicate themselves to protecting endangered bird species. Locally, FUN supports Sami Majeed and his efforts to protect the critically endangered Omani owl.Majid and his team conduct nocturnal surveys (traveling approximately 200 km each night) within the Wadi Wuraiya National Park in Fujairah using acoustic camera surveys to detect the elusive species. In 2020, Majeed achieved the first sighting record of an Arabian spotted eagle owl in the UAE, and in 2021, he was able to achieve the only sighting record of an Omani owl in the UAE Sami Ullah Majeed, Park Ranger, Fujairah Environment Authority, said, "The impact of MBZF funding goes beyond the equipment. It rekindled my connection with these incredible creatures and reaffirmed my commitment to their well-being. This grant has given me the means to scale up my efforts , and I can't express how much it means to me. In the Marquesas Islands of French Polynesia, MBZF is also supporting a team in the fight to save the native Fatu Hiva Monarch species from extinction. With fewer individuals and only 5 breeding pairs left, this species has suffered.Devastating decline since the 1990s It is listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List. The Ornithological Society of Polynesia, supported by the Mohammed bin Zay Species Conservation Fund, is leading an ambitious initiative to enhance anti-malaria management and supplementary feeding programs for the species. Feeders placed around the nest are topped up at least three times a week to increase the fitness of the newborns, and money from the grant was used to purchase mosquito netting around active nests during incubation. This is because newborn babies are more susceptible to malaria. Camera traps recorded every newborn baby born. Using feeders will validate the success of this strategy in 2022.Feeders are removed during the weaning period, when birds learn important foraging skills. Global Species Conservation Initiative The Mohammed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund provides targeted grants to individual species conservation initiatives around the world, recognizing and elevating leaders in species conservation. The importance of the species to the broader conservation debate Reflecting the deep commitment of both the government and people of Abu Dhabi to preserving its natural heritage, the Fund has funded more than 2,700 projects in 160 countries to save more than 1,000 species from extinction. Have supported., (ANI/WAM)