Kokrajhar (Assam), Saying that opposition unity is necessary to stop the BJP after the elections, Assam Trinamool Congress (TMC) president Ripun Bora said the lack of joint opposition candidates in the state will neither affect the Lok Sabha election results. Nor will it help BJP. By any means".

He claimed that although the opposition parties are contesting against each other on some seats in the Lok Sabha elections in Assam, it would not be in favor of the BJP as the opposition, especially TMC, is refraining from fielding candidates in those constituencies. Where any other party has sufficient grounds to take over. On rule rule.

"The BJP will not benefit from the opposition not fielding a joint candidate in the state because we have approached it tactfully," he said. In constituencies like Jorhat, Nagaon Dhubri and Karimganj, we did not let the opposition get divided and hope that Congress will unite everyone.''Vote from our camp,'' Bora said in an interview.

He said, "Where we have seen that Congress is powerful and can compete with BJP, we especially TMC have not allowed the votes to be divided. But on the seats where we have seen that Congress cannot compete with BJP, there they have The organization is weak, there we are contesting elections from TMC." ," He added.

TMC has fielded its candidates in four constituencies, including Kokrajhar and Barpeta, which go to polls on May 7.Former state Congress president Bora, who will join TMC in 2022, claimed that the lack of joint opposition candidates will neither affect the election results much nor help the BJP in any way.

"People have also understood that the opposition may appear divided, but we have fielded our candidates smartly. People will analyze themselves and vote for the most aggressive opposition on any seat," he claimed.

Former state cabinet minister and Rajya Sabha MP Bora said that in the post-poll scenario, opposition parties will have to come together.

He said, “Opposition unity is necessary after the elections.There is no other option. Only then can we stop the BJP."

On the prospects of TMC candidates in the four constituencies in the state where they are contesting, Bora said the party has received a good and positive response from the people and is hopeful of favorable results.

The state party chief said, "What we have understood is that people do not have options and they do not want to vote for the BJP. People want a strong, uncompromising opposition and for that they are choosing TMC." Are.,

He also claimed that TMC will emerge as an alternative to BJP in the state and said, “Though TMC had a presence in the state for many years, I started working here in a big way in April 2022. This is the beginning. " TM will soon be the main opposition in Assam.”