According to Xinhua, an interior ministry source, the drones targeted a huge military site known as Camp Kalsu, which houses bases for the Iraqi army, federal police and Hashd Shaabi forces in the Mahawi area in the northern part of Babylon province.

Citing initial reports, the source said the airstrikes killed one Hashd Shaabi fighter and wounded five fighters and two Iraqi soldiers, in addition to causing heavy fires in the attacked positions.

The death toll may rise as ambulances are still taking the injured to hospitals, while rescue teams and fire engines are working to put out the fire, Xinhua news agency reported.

No statement has yet been issued by the Iraqi government regarding the airstrike, but Hashd Shaabi Forces said in a brief statement that an investigation team had arrived at the scene, and more details would be revealed later.

Meanwhile, Abu Ala al-Walaie, secretary general of the Iran-backed Sayyid al-Shuhada Brigades, which is part of the Iraqi Hashd Shaabi Forces, said in an online statement that "whoever is behind Sinfu will be held to account." Attack on Hashd Shaabi base after completing investigation.