Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) [India], Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister D Shivakumar on Tuesday said the Supreme Court's verdict on the electoral bonds case should be respected as "it is the supreme body and it should be respected". The remarks came after the Prime Minister Has come. Minister Narendra Modi in an interview with ANI accused opposition parties of "spreading lies" on the electoral bond scheme and said, "Everyone will regret when considered honestly" Speaking to ANI, DK Shivakumar Said, "The Supreme Court has said that according to the decision given, we all will have to bow before the decision of the Supreme Court because it is the supreme institution which we all should respect. So I hope that everyone in this country will support the Supreme Court." Will respect and accept the decision In February this year, the Supreme Court struck down the electoral bond scheme and said it was unconstitutional, in compliance with a direction by the Supreme Court to the SBI. Asked to stop issuing Electora bonds) uploaded the data on electoral bonds on its official website. The data was provided by State Bank of India (SBI) on the instructions of the apex court.In an interview with ANI, PM Modi said the electoral bond scheme is aimed at curbing black money in elections and said the opposition wants to run away by making allegations. He spoke about 16 companies which had donated when the investigating agencies took action. 37 percent of the money went to BJP and 63 percent of the money went to the opposition parties against BJP. “This is the success story of electoral bonds, there were electoral bonds, you are getting a trace of which company gave, how it gave, and where it gave, whether what happened in the process was good or bad, it can be debatable. ...I never say that there is no flaw in decision making, we learn by discussing, there is a lot of scope for improvement, but today we have completely pushed the country towards black money, PM Modi said. , “Everyone will regret when they think honestly.''