Bengaluru, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Tuesday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi is already calling all secretaries and outlining programs for the next five years and "this kind of overconfidence and arrogance is not good for the country and democracy." "

He said, who will be the Prime Ministerial face of India Block, will be decided only after the results. "First we have to win the elections."

In an interview to , the Rajya Sabha MP from Karnataka said that things were looking "positive and good" after the Congress' victory in the assembly elections in Karnataka, Telangana and Himachal Pradesh.

He said, “Our guarantee plans have proven that people want programs and plans with benefits such as price reductions.He has caught the attention of voters."

Responding to Modi's claim of NDA winning more than 400 seats in the Lok Sabha elections, Kharge said, "Fortunately, he has not said 'this time we cross 600'. This is egotistical propaganda, weakening the opposition and portraying To think that I am everything is unfortunate." ,

"Even leaders who are confident of coming to power will not speak like this," he said. He is already calling all secretaries and outlining programs for the next five years.This kind of overconfidence and arrogance is not good for the country and democracy."

Noting that there was a similar situation in 2004 when the BJP had shown that India was shining and Atal Bihari Vajpayee was the most suitable Prime Minister, the AICC chief said, "What happened then? The Congress-led government under Manmohan Singh He (Singh) emerged as a better Prime Minister. We saw that a lot of policies and programs were made at that time and he was a better administrator.

He said, “You should not weaken Indian democracy.Indian voters are very smart. H (Modi) is trying to suppress everyone. If given a level playing field, you will get a repeat of the 2004 results."

Saying that in an alliance, consensus is built through deliberations, Kharge said that after the results are out, the Indian alliance will discuss who is the suitable person to lead it.

“…Who will be the Prime Minister – this will be a matter to be decided only after the results.First we have to win the elections and then discussions will take place based on what the alliance partners say. Congress Party "We have never been shy about it, first of all, we need to win the elections," he said.

Pointing out that he has said he will not contest the Lok Sabha elections, Kharge said, "My seat in Kalaburagi has already been taken."

Kharge's son-in-law Radhakrishna Doddamani is contesting as a Congress candidate from Gulbarga (Kalaburagi) Lok Sabha seat, from where Kharge had successfully contested the 2009 and 2014 Lok Sabha elections. The veteran leader had lost the seat to BJP's Umesh Jadhav in 2019.Regarding Congress candidates in Amethi and Rae Bareli, considered strongholds of the Nehru-Gandhi family, he said that elections there will be held in the later stages and there is still time.

"Let's see what happens. We will tell at the appropriate time. It is not good to reveal my cards. In politics, some surprises are necessary.We will discuss, we will deliberate and we will take feedback. This is a democratic process in the Congress party and we will take a decision when the appropriate time comes. It is not like BJP where Modi has the final decision on everything.

Alleging that BJP is getting huge benefit from the electoral bond scheme, Kharge said that level playing field should always be provided.

“But in this scheme, there was no transparency.BJP has used all agencies to threaten business houses and establishments and extort money. He favored some businessmen and took money from them. 'How can you claim 'Chanda Do Dhandha Lo' is clean when you are twisting your hands and taking money?" he said.

“These companies were corrupt in the Congress government, TRS government, TM government and then when they came to BJP, they are clean, is it so?” He questioned and said that similarly the leaders who were corrupt while in other political parties became clean when they joined BJP and some of them were made Chief Minister, Union Minister and Rajya Sabha member.