Ambala, BJP leader Anil Vij on Tuesday said he had not given any order for firing on protesting farmers at the Khanauri border point in February, but since he was the state home minister at that time, he takes responsibility for the incident.

Vij said this when farmers stopped his car at village Panjokhara in Ambal Cantonment, where he had gone to campaign for BJP's Lok Sabha candidate Bant Kataria, and spoke to him about the incidents that took place in February.

Punjab's Shubhakaran Singh was reportedly killed in police firing in February when farmers were protesting at the Khanauri border point during their "Delhi Chalo" march, the farmers told Vij.

“I was the home minister,” Vij told the group of farmers. I cannot escape responsibility.,

When a farmer asked whether he had ordered firing on farmers, Vij said, 'I am not saying that, I am just saying that I was the home minister at that time...'

“Yes, you can,” Vij told a farmer at the site when he asked, “should we file an FI against you”.

The farmers also asked Vij why Haryana officials had put up barricades at Khanaur and Shambhu border points to stop the farmers when they wanted to go to Delhi in February this year in support of their demands.

Vij tried to calm him down and told him, "You stopped me and I immediately stopped here to talk to you, I did not run away like other leaders."

He told them that the farmers are his brothers and because of him he has become ML from Ambala Cantonment six times.

Later, when the farmers calmed down, Vij left from there."The firing on farmers was ordered by anyone, I was the Home Minister at that time and I take responsibility for it (Irrespective of who gave the orders for firing on farmers, I was the Home Minister at that time and I take responsibility for it), after He posted in Hindi on X.

Bathinda native Shubhakaran (21) was killed and 12 security personnel were injured in a clash at Khanauri on the Punjab-Haryana border on February 21.

The incident occurred when some protesting farmers were trying to move towards the police barricades put up to stop their "Delhi Chalo" march.

The Samyukt Kisan Morcha (Non-Political) and Kisan Mazdoor Morcha were leading the agitation to put pressure on the Center to accept their demands, including legal guarantee on minimum support price for crops and farm loan waiver.

When the incident occurred, farmers, mostly from Punjab, were participating in the agitation and camping at Shambhu and Khanauri border points.or sun rt