Kabul [Afghanistan], At a time when the basic rights of Afghan women have been crushed under the Taliban rule, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) during its 15th summit in Gambia once again reiterated that women's work is equal to that of girls. Have access to education. There are important issues in Afghanistan. According to the resolution issued at the conclusion of the summit on Sunday (Ma 5), ​​the organization supports the protection and upholding of the human rights of Afghans, particularly in promoting women's work and education, according to Khaama Press. The meeting was also attended by Taliban Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Qahar Balkhi. The OIC has stressed the need for a quick solution to the educational problem facing Afghan girls, while urging more dialogue with the de facto government. ethnic groups, terrorism, narcotics and social aspects for inclusive governance to achieve sustainable stability,” the final resolution of the summit said, according to T Khama Press. Earlier, OIC representative for Afghan affairs Tariq Ali Bakhit Mawlawi Kabir, the political vice-president of the Taliban in Afghanistan, called for the reopening of schools and universities for girls. He also promised during the meeting that the OIC would support girls' education in Afghanistan. Ready to do.It has been almost three years since girls have been deprived of this. Forma education in the country, and the Taliban government has so far ignored the concerns of citizens and the demands of the international community in this regard. As the Taliban has consolidated its control over Afghanistan, the humanitarian crisis in the country has worsened. With infrastructure collapsed and essential services disrupted, millions of people are at risk of starvation and disease, with humanitarian organizations struggling to provide aid amid security concerns and logistical challenges. A generation of girls has been deprived of education due to the ban on girls' schools since the Taliban takeover, which continues to grow.cycle of poverty and inequality