New Delhi: Shankar, a 29-year-old elephant, is responding well to treatment and therapy after he was sedated to treat his injury, officials said Wednesday.

The Delhi Zoo's only African elephant, which was brought from Zimbabwe in 1998, was chained for a long period of time which caused wounds on its paws and caused pus to form, according to the source.

Sumit Nagar, the veterinarian treating Shankar, said his wound has been treated and he will be checked regularly.

Nagar said pus had formed in his wound, which was treated after sedating Shankar.

In recent days, the elephant was not in a "proper" condition, but was behaving aggressively due to the injury, he said.

"This morning I went there to get his wound dressed and will continue with frequent checks. He is fine now and the chain has been removed," Nagar said.

Zoo director Sanjeet Kumar said the chain was removed and Shankar is now restrained with a leg strap and a rope. He is responding well to treatment and therapy and is eating normally. He remains under observation.

In September 2023, Shankar the elephant broke through a portion of the boundary wall of his enclosure while in a state of musth, a condition of increased aggression and unpredictable behavior in male animals, particularly elephants and camels, associated with increased testosterone. levels.

Meanwhile, the Delhi Zoo has written to the forest and wildlife department seeking the help of a veterinary doctor.

The letter to the forest department said: "National Zoological Park, New Delhi urgently requires the expertise of Dr Sumit Nagar and tranquilizing medications for safe immobilization of our 29-year-old African elephant in mosth. Dr Abhijit Bhawal will coordinate with Dr . Nagar for this crucial procedure on July 8, ensuring the elephant's well-being through professional veterinary care."

After receiving a letter from the zoo, veterinarian Sumit Nagar visited the Delhi Zoo on Monday and continued visiting to treat Shankar on Tuesday.