In the keynote address, Union Mines Secretary, V.L. Kantha Rao stressed the importance of State Mining Index, which would promote cooperative federalism as well as competition among the States.

Noting that active participation of States is important in making this exercise successful, he requested States to help in the data collection effort by properly submitting statistical returns on time.

The workshop brought together policy makers, administrators and practitioners from the Central and State Governments. Principal Secretaries, Directors and other officials from 26 states actively participated in the workshop to discuss and finalize the performance indicators and sub-indicators, which are part of the index framework and methodology.

Following consultation and feedback from states, the framework for the State Mining Index will be finalized and released in July 2024 for the actual ranking to be held in April 2025.

The one-day workshop was organized by the Ministry of Mines in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology-Indian School of Mines (IIT-ISM), Dhanbad.