Speaking at a press meeting in Sambalpur, Pradhan said Prime Minister Narendra Modi raised some questions about the lack of irrigation facilities in the state, deteriorating primary healthcare system and inter-state migration of labourers, etc.

Pradhan asserted that instead of answering the questions raised by P Modi, CM Patnaik said the BJP was daydreaming of forming the government in Odisha.

He said there is no democracy in Odisha as journalists are barred from entering any government office from district to state level. He said that if the BJP government comes to power, a new recognition policy will be brought for journalists.

Pradhan said his party will also start pension facilities for journalists in Odisha.

He said that under Subhadra Yojana, women will get a cash voucher of Rs 50,000 as a financial gift. “They can take Rs 50,000 in cash over a period of two years and 25 lakh women will be made Lakhpati Didi,” he said.

The BJP has given maximum emphasis on farmers' welfare in its manifesto, he said, adding that the BJP government will ensure payment of Rs 3,100 per quintal to paddy farmers within 48 hours of purchasing paddy from the mandis.