TOKYO, April 15, 2024 /Kyodo JBN/ --

- Available for all air freight services extended from Europe -

Nippon Express Holdings, Inc. has begun offering the NX-Green SAF program in Japan, which enables its valued customers to purchase environmental features derived from sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) (*1) to reduce CO2 emissions in customers' supply chains Is.



The NX-Green SAF programme, which begins service in NX Europe in July 2023, is a carbon-insetting program (*2) that can be used to reduce CO2 emissions from all air transport services provided by the NX Group Is. Air transportation using SAF reduces CO2 emissions by approximately 80% compared to conventional fossil fuels. This program is available for transportation services arranged by NX Group, which is the first Japanese forwarder to provide such service without restrictions on the choice of airlines (*3). Customers participating in the program will be issued a CO2 reduction verification statement verified by SGS, one of the world's largest certification bodies, which can be used in information disclosures required by TCFD (*4) and CDP (*5) .To address climate change, NX Group set a target to reduce its own CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by 50% below 2013 levels by 2030 and help realize carbon-neutral societies by 2050 (Scope 1, 2 and 3). The group submitted a letter of commitment to the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTI) in May 2023 to validate its targets.

NX Group will continue to practice sustainability management from a long-term perspective and contribute to the development of better lives for people and sustainable societies by addressing climate change through its business.


(*1) Sustainable aviation fuel: Fuel made from waste cooking oil, plants, waste wood, etc., and mixed with jet fuel to reduce CO2 emissions.

(*2) Carbon-insetting programs: A mechanism for companies to reduce their CO emissions by working with stakeholders in their supply chain

(*3) According to research by NX Group

(*4) TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures): an international initiative established by the Financial Stability Board in 2015 to encourage companies to disclose information on the financial implications of the risks and opportunities presented to their businesses by climate change. Encourages.

(*5) CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project): an international non-profit organization dedicated to researching and disclosing corporate and urban environmental information.About NX Group:

NX official website:

Nippon Express Group's official LinkedIn account:

Source: Nippon Express Holdings, Inc.
