New Delhi [India], Public sector power producer NTPC posted a consolidated profit of Rs 6490.05 crore in Q4 2023-24, up 33 per cent from Rs 4871.5 crore in 2022-23. The company's standalone total income for the financial year stood at Rs 1,65,707 crore, compared to Rs 1,67,72 crore in the previous year. The power ministry said in a release on Saturday that consolidated net profit in the December quarter was up 24.5 per cent from Rs 5208.87. On a consolidated basis, the group's total income for FY2014 stood at Rs 1,81,16 crore, as against the previous year's total income of Rs 177,977 crore, registering a growth of 2 per cent. The group's profit after tax for FY2020 was Rs 21,332 crore, while the previous year's PAT was Rs 17,12 crore, registering a growth of 24.60 per cent.The company reported revenue from operations at Rs 47622.06, an increase of 7. percent. Profit after tax (PAT) for FY24 was Rs 18,079 crore as compared to Rs 44,253.17 crore a year ago, while it was Rs 17,19 crore in FY23, an increase of 5 per cent.

The company's board has recommended a final dividend of Rs 3.25 per equity share, subject to shareholders' approval at the upcoming annual genera meeting. The total dividend for the year will be Rs 7.75 per equity share, compared to Rs 7.25 per equity share last year, the filing said. This is the 31st consecutive year of dividend payment by a power sector public sector unit.PSUs saw the highest annual power generation of 422 billion units in FY2014 as compared to 399 billion units in FY2013, an increase of 6 per cent. NTPC's standalone gross generation in FY24 was 362 billion units compared to 344 billion units in the previous year, registering a growth of 5 per cent. NTPC coal stations achieved generation of 77.25 per cent against the national average of 69.49 per cent during FY24. Achieved plant load factor of. , the power ministry said.