New Delhi [India], BJP leader Manoj Tiwari criticized the Delhi Chief Minister over his "10 guarantees" and said that the days of Arvind Kejriwal are over and the people of Delhi will finally say goodbye to him in the 2025 assembly elections. Earlier on Sunday, the Chief Minister of Delhi announced his 10 'guarantees'. "I want to remind you (Arvind Kejriwal) that you had guaranteed that you will clean the Yamuna river and take a dip in it with the people. You had guaranteed that you will never form an alliance with any party, but now you are 25 It's a year old." This is a year old." -You have formed an alliance with 26 parties. You had said that you will not buy a bungalow or a car but now you live in a 'rajmahal' and have a caravan worth crores.Tiwari said, “Now your guarantee is over” and the people of Delhi will finally say goodbye to AAP in 2025. Kejriwal has become mentally bankrupt. Now only Modi's guarantee works in this country.'' He said free electricity, education and health, two crore jobs next year. Complete freedom for the Indian Army.Recapturing Indian land occupied by China was also among the 10 promises made by Kejriwal on Sunday. He said, “These 10 guarantees are like India's vision. Some things should have been completed in the last 75 years... These things are like laying the foundation stone.'' Without these, no country can move forward. That work will be completed in the next five years.According to the Swaminathan Commission, by determining the MSP of all crops, farmers will be given the full price for their crops. On unemployment, AAP said that unemployment will be managed in a systematic manner. It was promised that two crore jobs would be created next year. The ninth guarantee addresses corruption, on which the party said the existing system of sending honest people to jail and protecting the corrupt will be abolished. The tenth and last guarantee is related to trade in which you said that GST will be abolished, GST will be abolished. Thrown out of PMLA. (Prevention of Money Laundering Act) will be amended and all laws and administrative rules will be simplified to promote trade and industry on a large scale.