The prime ministers of Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Iceland said in a joint statement on Monday that due to the security situation in Europe, the Nordic region's economies must become more resilient and competitive, Xinhua news agency reported.

The Prime Ministers said they also aim to make the Nordic region the world's most sustainable and integrated region by 2030.

"Making it easier for companies and people to work across national borders is important to boost Nordic competitiveness and growth," Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Christerson said in a press statement.

According to the statement, four key development areas have been identified.

First, critical and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G/6G mobile communications and quantum technology should be used, as these have the potential to "significantly boost productivity, transform industry and contribute to the green transition and our economic security" Is," the statement said. Said.

European capital markets should also grow, the signatories said.

Additionally, an accelerated green transition will be needed to boost Nordic competitiveness, the statement said.

It says that favorable conditions should also be created for investment in common security and collective defense.

The two-day summit was attended by the heads of government of the five Nordic countries and Germany's Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Kristersen and Scholz are scheduled to hold bilateral talks on Tuesday.