New Delhi, The government on Wednesday said that the nomination process for National Gopal Ratna Award-2024 will begin from July 15 and said that from this year a special award will be given for the northeast to boost daily development in this region.

The Department of Livestock and Dairying is making all possible efforts for the effective development of this sector to provide sustainable livelihood to the farmers.

India's indigenous cattle breeds are robust and possess the genetic potential to play a crucial role in the national economy.

Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM) was launched in December 2014 with a view to conserve and develop indigenous cattle breeds in a scientific manner.

Under this mission, since 2021, this department awards National Gopal Ratna Award every year with an objective to encourage dairy farmers, dairy cooperative societies/MPC/FPO and artificial insemination technicians (AIT).

Nominations for the award must be submitted online through the National Award portal starting July 15 and the deadline for submission of nominations will be August 31. The awards will be presented on the occasion of National Milk Day, on November 26 of this year.

This year also the Gopal Ratna National Award is for the following categories: a) Best dairy farmer rearing indigenous breeds of cattle/buffalo; b) Best Dairy Cooperative Society (DCS)/Milk Production Company (MPC)/Dairy Producers Organization (FPO); Best Artificial Insemination Technician (AIT).

"Starting this year, the Department has introduced a special award for the North Eastern Region (NER) states to encourage and boost dairy development activities in the North Eastern Region (NER)," the statement said. .

The 2024 prize will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and a special prize for North Eastern Region (NER) states in each category.

According to the release, the award will consist of a certificate of merit, a memento and a follow-up award in the first two categories i.e. Best Dairy Farmer and Best DCS/FPO/MPC.

The government said Rs 5 lakh will be awarded for the first position; Rs 3 lakh for the second position and Rs 2 lakh for the third position and Rs 2 lakh for the special prize for the North Eastern region.

In case of Best Artificial Insemination Technician (AIT) category, the Gopal Ratna National Award-2024 will consist of merit certificate and memento only. No cash prize will be provided in the Artificial Insemination Technician (AIT) category.