Noida: Noida was once known as the "hub of corruption" but due to the efforts of the BJP's double engine government it has now turned into a "hub of business", senior party leader Rajnath Singh said at Gautam Buddh on Tuesday. Said in the city.

Criticizing the previous non-BJP governments in the state, the Defense Minister also said that at one time this area of ​​western Uttar Pradesh was dominated by criminals, so much so that people were forced to migrate, but this All this is now a thing of the past.

Singh was speaking at an election rally in Greater Noida's Bisaha village while campaigning in support of BJP's Gautam Buddh Nagar Lok Sabha candidate Mahesh Sharma ahead of the April 26 polling.

“You people know very well about Noida. There was a time when Noida was the center of corruption for the leaders of Uttar Pradesh.Even for officials, it was said that if there is any biggest center of corruption, it is Noida,” he said.

He said, "But today I can say with pride that under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Noida has no longer become a center of corruption but a center of business."

Praising the double engine, the BJP leader said, "The kind of fear that criminals had in this area, the kind of dominance that there was, there were even reports that some people were migrating from here. All this is now in the past." There are talks of."Government in the state.

He said that today if any place is known not only in Uttar Pradesh but in the whole of India for tourism and law and order, then it is Noida.

Today, as far as Uttar Pradesh is concerned, this state is not known for its criminal record, but for the huge investments coming from every corner of India and other countries of the world, excellent law and order, shining system. Expressway, he said.

Former UP Chief Minister Singh also took credit for the Noida International Airport to be built in Jewar area of ​​Gautam Buddh Nagar.

He said, “Jewar airport is close here.Sisters and brothers, when I was the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, I remember very well that I first went to the Government of India with the proposal of Jewar Airport."

"Meanwhile, governments of other parties were formed in Uttar Pradesh and Jewar airport was closed. But I really want to express my gratitude to PM Modi and C. Yogi who resolved that this land of Jewar will get India's biggest airport and Today Singh said, "The work of Jewar airport is progressing rapidly."

He said he did not need to go into much detail about the developments in the state as people knew it well. He reminded that Uttar Pradesh was once counted among the poor states, but now it is not so."In a few years you will see that our economic growth will be worth a trillion dollars. This is no small achievement. If anyone has one-fifth of the size of the economy of the entire country, it will be Uttar Pradesh.,

“This is no small achievement, a miraculous thing has happened,” he said.