New Delhi: Delhi Congress leaders, including district Congress presidents, expressed that the party should not enter into any alliance with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in future and fight the upcoming assembly elections alone, they said. sources on Wednesday.

Delhi Congress chief Devender Yadav on Wednesday held a meeting with district presidents and observers to review feedback from monthly block and district level meetings and set the agenda for the upcoming assembly elections, according to a release.

The Congress and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) fought the Lok Sabha elections in an alliance under the banner of the INDIA block. However, the BJP swept all seven seats here.

"All the district presidents and observers from the national capital were present at the meeting. We have to face the elections in the next six or seven months. We have received various reactions and when asked about the alliance, all of them expressed that the party should compete . the next elections alone," the sources said.

It was also decided that during the elections the party should also focus on campaigning at the block level. They said block-level issues should also be raised during the campaign, apart from aggressively attacking the BJP and AAP governments.

Yadav held the meeting with 14 district Congress committee chairpersons and 42 newly appointed district observers and reviewed the feedback received from the Congress committee meetings of 280 blocks and 14 districts held on July 2 and 5.

Yadav convened a meeting of the state Congress executive committee on July 15 to discuss the suggestions and observations raised in the meeting to chalk out the future plans of the Delhi Congress, he said.

"The common refrain at the meeting was that the party needs to mount aggressive campaigns against the BJP and AAP governments and expose their lies, falsehoods, inaction and incompetence in addressing major issues affecting people such as shortage of water, the electricity crisis, flooding, "Pollution and corruption at all levels. "One of the suggestions received at the meeting was to hold protests to highlight local issues, which will have a great impact on the local population towards Congress," the statement said.

He said the district and block Congress committee meetings will also give party workers at the grassroots level an opportunity to be heard and their suggestions taken into account as the meetings should not be one-sided.

Yadav also said that the functioning of many block and district Congress committees was not very satisfactory and the party will take some firm steps to activate and strengthen them and form a team of 10 workers each at booth level to consolidate the position of the game.

At the outset, Yadav highlighted the need for block and district Congress committees to strengthen their activities more aggressively by engaging all sections of the society, particularly the youth, as "we need to engage the youth for progress." and fulfill the vision of the party". senior leader Rahul Gandhi".

All block presidents will put up the Congress slogan "Haath Badlega Ab Dilli Me Be Halath" on 50 auto-rickshaws in their areas, he said.

"The party will evaluate the performance of district presidents who have held office for more than three years. The acting presidents will be appointed in blocks without leaders so that no position is left vacant in our all-out effort to strengthen the party at the grassroots." . root level," Yadav said.

It was encouraging to note that there was 100 percent attendance of district observers at these meetings, he said.

Yadav also said that the party will spare no effort to implement the issues discussed at the block and district levels.

The format has been prepared to divide the 280 Congress committees into blocks on the basis of MCD constituencies, which will be spread across 68 assembly constituencies, while 4-4 blocks will be formed in New Delhi and Delhi Cantonment, and eventually the Pradesh Congress committee will have 258 blocks.