Cambridge, Nightmares are unpleasant, but perfectly normal for most. However my colleagues and I have recently found that they may also prevent autoimmune diseases like lupus.

Our study, published in The Lancet's eClinicalMedicine journal, detects potential early warning signs of an autoimmune disease flare-up. We surveyed 67 lupus patients and 400 doctors and conducted more than 100 in-depth interviews.

We asked patients about the neurological and mental health symptoms they experienced and when they occurred in relation to when their disease first started.This included symptoms such as low mood, hallucinations, tremors and fatigue. We also asked whether there was a common pattern of symptoms for patients as they approached a flare (symptoms worsening). Many patients could describe symptoms that occurred just before their flare, although different between people. While the patterns varied, they were often similar in each individual flare-up. Patients often knew which symptoms were signs that their disease was about to get worse.

Nightmares that occur before autoimmune diseases have also been found in other neurological diseases.Descriptions of our stud-related nightmares often include being attacked, trapped, crushed, or fallen. A lot of people were very annoying. One person described them this way: "Horrible, like murders, like people losing skis, horrible."

Another important finding was that these nightmares often occurred before the disease spread, especially in people who then had hallucinations as part of the disease pattern. This was more likely in people with lupus than in people with other rheumatological diseases, such as inflammatory arthritis.This was not unexpected as lupus is known to affect the brain in some cases. Of the patients reporting hallucinations, 61% of patients with lupus and 34% of patients with other autoimmune rheumatological diseases reported sleep disruption immediately before the hallucinations ( Mostly nightmares) reported to increase.

DaydreamingOur previous study found that more than 50% of people rarely or never tell their doctors about mental health symptoms. Although people were often more comfortable talking with our interviewees than with their doctors, we used the term “nightmare” to reduce the sense of fear and stigma that many people feel about “hallucinations.” Are.

Patients also felt that "daydreaming" was a good description because hallucinatory experiences were often described as a dream-like state "between sleeping and waking" and "between waking dreams".Many patients described the word and the description as a "lightbulb" moment for them: "[When] you said that word demare and as soon as you said it made sense, it's not necessarily scary, it's just It's like you've experienced a dream and yet you're sitting awake in the garden... I see different things, it's like I've come out of it and it's like when you wake up So you don't remember your dream and you're there but you're not there... It's really like feeling disoriented, the closest thing I can think of is that I feel like I Alice in Wonderland."Many people with lupus and other autoimmune diseases may have to face a long and difficult journey to diagnosis. A greater understanding of the wide range and types of symptoms experienced by these patients may lead to less misdiagnosis and better treatment. People whose first symptom of an autoimmune disease is psychotic are particularly likely to be misdiagnosed and misdiagnosed, as this rheumatologist nurse explained: I have seen [lupus in patients admitted for an episode of psychosis. are not diagnosed unless someone says, 'Oh, I wonder if it could be lupus'... but it was several months and very difficult... especially for young women And it's learning more than that Lupus affects some people this way and it's not antipsychotic drugs that they need, it's like a lot of steroids.

Doctors are also short on time, especially for complex diseases like lupus that can affect any part of the body.One rheumatologist we interviewed said that discussing these symptoms was not a priority.

“I hear what you're saying...about nightmares and hallucinations, and believe it, but what I'm saying is that you should include it along with the regular management of lupus. Can't." However, most doctors in the study said they would now start asking about nightmares and other symptoms. Many told researchers that their patients are now reporting these symptoms regularly and that it is helping them monitor their disease.

Symptoms such as nightmares are not on the diagnostic list, so patients and doctors often do not discuss them.Relying on doctor's observations, blood tests, and brain scans to diagnose diseases doesn't work for symptoms that are invisible and not there yet — and may never show up on tests.

Our study also highlights the importance of doctor-patient teamwork to identify, monitor, and treat these often distressing symptoms.(th conversation) n.s.a.hand
